Individual’s personal blog that will be useful for all those who want to keep in contact wherever I go / Blog personal de un individuo que será útil para todos aquellos que quieren tener contacto donde quiera que voy

2 sept 2007

A further step

In english, yes. I've decided finally to write this blog in english as well. It's not my mother tongue, just a language I'm learning and I hope to improve in the next months/years. Therefore, from the beginning, the first thing I'd like to say is that I'm sorry for all those mistakes I'll write in the next entries. After some months thinking about myself and my circumstances, I decided to leave my country and go to another country to learn english, and this is how I got here, to the United Kingdom. I packed my stuff and left behind everything I had and everyone I knew. However, I don't like to say that I started a new life. I'm fed up with new lives: you finish the school and start a new life in the high school with new place, new friends, new responsibilities, new aims... then you finish the high school and start your new life in the university and when you finish and start working, starts a new life too... And if you decide to leave your contry, as I did, then... what? A new one? Again? Have I started 5 new lives in 25 years? No, it's the same life all the time, but lives change, so mine too. And here's my life since november/december 2006, when I wrote the first entries and posted them.

This blog was born ten months ago with the objective of being a new way of communication between me and my family and friends, although it's open to whoever interested in sharing something with me or in what I share with others. Both the address and the name aren't by chance and, as I explained to the spanish spoken visitor in the first entries I wrote, they have a meaning. The address eccerafa is composed by two words: ecce + rafa. The second one is obviously my name, Rafael's nickname. The first one is a latin word that means something like here's. So, the reason why I chose this address is to say that here's Rafa, here's where you can find me whenever you want. By the other hand, the title of the blog is again a sentence in latin: Blog, ergo sum. You probably have already heard the famous sentence I think, therefore I am, René Descartes wrote it on Discourse on the Method. With this maxim, Descartes was giving more importance to the thinking, not to the being. As long as the thought exists, the being exists, roughly explained. Well, this sentence translated to latin would be "Cogito, ergo sum" but I've changed the first word in order to give it a personal meaning: Blog, ergo sum or Blog, therefore I am. What I try to say is that, as long as the blog exists, I exist. This site will be the proof you have to know that I exist, that I think. For you, this blog is Rafa's thinking.

As I wrote in one of the first entries in this blog, I have pressed my reset button, have cut some things at the root of them and I'm trying to rebuild myself again, saving just those basic things to keep on being Rafa. Slow by slow, I'm using the blog for something more than just to tell what I do and what I see. I like to use it also to write what I'm building and how I feel, because that's part of me too. I like to express things that happen both inside and outside of me. And it helps me not only to be in contact with a lot of people and make them know me better, but to know myself better. It's easy for me to write and I love to do it. I can say things that I couldn't say speaking. And when I write, I explore deep in my mind. So, if you already knew me, you may get a bit surprised sometimes with some entries I write. And if you didn't know me, then you can be sure that those who knew me don't have much advantage. Maybe you like this, maybe you don't. Anyway, whatever you think or whoever you are: welcome to this blog, visitor.

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